About 'Glyph 6'

I don't exactly know what the name Glyph 6 means to me besides it sounding cool. One of the worst parts of bearing two common names in two different cultures is that it's absolute hell to find a good domain name! Especially when your interest in graphic design, it's imperative (in my opinion anyways) that you snag a professional, yet interesting still, domain name for your business or portfolio. 

I remember when I first entered my name into the URL followed by the '.com' and expecting to come across an error or 404 page. My young hopes were dashed by someone with a poor taste in design and style. The site, which is STILL ACTIVE, seems to be stuck in an era as old as I am. If there is any consolation to this, it'll probably be that the site is pretty easily navigable, though I can't guarantee the same for mobile users... 

There is a quote on the header of the site that reads:


“Do your best this time. Do better next time.”


I guess that applies to me. Whoever he is, he beat me to the punch. So now I gotta shrug it off and just 'do better next time.' And that's what this site is attempting to do. I am at that same point as he was when he made that site, taking my first steps forward to make something of myself and my craft. 

With that said, Glyph 6 is a sort of brand name still in development. I don't know what will come of it or whether I will keep the name. Honestly, I don't advertise my site as much as I could or want to, partially because I'm still apprehensive about the name and having to fumble around with a half-assed explanation. I'd be mortified to appear like an absolute child when I tell another professional I picked the name because it sounded T0TaLLy CO0l & RaDD!!


But in a couple of years, I'll make sure I 'do better.'